Copyrights Register

At the Copyrights Register you can register copyrighted works for the EU Market and permanently record your copyrights for the future.
By using the Copyrights Register digital and non-digital works will be registered in one of the 16 classes and each work will receive a unique registration number which shall also registered in blockchain, providing proof with regard to the rightful owner(s) of a copyright protected work.
The Copyrights Register is the only register which also records any transfer of copyrights with regard to a work. By registration of legitimate transfers of copyrights, new copyright owners are able to demonstrate the original registration of a work and any transfers thereof. In this way, a chain of titles of copyrights shall be established and the value of your work shall be safeguarded for the future.
Please note that each copyright owner is able to determine which parts of the copyright registration are to remain confidential.